Tiengemeten 131, 1181 CS Amstelveen |
info@2tango.org | research@2tango.org

About us

To upgrade being us together

2Tango was officially founded by Tjerk Feitsma, and co-founder Omotola Bolarin, alongside with the Neurodiversity Foundation. The foundation does research, schoolprojects, awareness and testing, inviting many researchers, volunteers and interns. The company develops the code, innovates the tech, build the prototypes and distributes them to our users. Our shared aim for a move towards a neuroinclusive society that embraces all types of minds, is a simple plan in order to:

  • 1) Build the optimal solution for verbal/nonverbalisable translation between individuals, families and teams.
  • 2) Provide 10000 (or 2500 connected families) users with our tools in the Netherlands.
  • 3) After reaching that milestone, scale up the tools and provide 10 million with the free and paid subscription services.

Our credo is ’the problem is not solved by doing nothing’, our crew are clever, crafty and/or curious by nature, we work with all types of minds and we are intensely passionate about the opportunity to make interaction ‘better’ for all likeminded like us and many others unlike us. The core slogan of the company ‘upgrade being us together’, tells of our focussed intent; we want to optimize being your true self with another person. And with the promise for real-world changes supported by our Signs and Together projects, we believe it can be done. And therefore, we’ll work; Hard but grateful, and from a place of love for the diversity between all of us humans.

The Neurodiversity Foundation is funded by grants won by 2Tango, and a fixed part of the financial surplus is reinvested by 2Tango into foundational research programs that support insights for the next builds of our tools. This is our story so far….